Postpartum Self-Care Plan Checklists


  • STEP 1: complete the Physical Self-Assessment by answering the questions below.


    Am I digesting my food well?

    Do I have digestive discomfort, or anxiety around eating because of unpredictable symptoms?

    Do I have gas, bloating, stomach pains, indigestion, heartburn, weird shifts in my appetite, cravings for sugar, carbs, salt, and caffeine?


    Am I sleeping well?

    Do I wake rested?

    Do I fall asleep easily?


    Am I breathing well?

    Is my baseline breath slow and steady, or do I breathe quickly and shallowly?

    Am I often dizzy or lightheaded?


    How’s my mood?

    Overall, do I feel happy and emotionally stable, or do I live with depression, anxiety, or see-sawing emotions?

    Taking Breaks:

    Can I rest and unplug without anxiety or feeling like I need to check in?

    These are the essential manifestations of good adrenal health; if you don’t have these down, you’re likely living in a state of chronic stress and it’s time to look a bit deeper.

    STEP 2: Write your answers to the following:

    What specific situations in my life make me feel stressed? (If your stomach clenches, your breath gets really fast and shallow, your face gets hot, or some other clue comes from your body only in specific situations or at specific times, that’s a sign that this is stressful for you.)

    When you have a sense of where in your life you feel most stressed, you can take a deeper look. Give yourself a minimum of 5 minutes to free-write an answer to these questions, and do not censor yourself at all as you write:

    In the specific times and situations that I feel stressed, what thoughts are in my mind?

    In these specific times and situations that I feel stressed, how do I feel emotionally?

    What is below the surface of these thoughts and feelings? (Free-writing your answer to this question may provide new insights into negative or limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in chronic stress. Again, don’t censor yourself, just write.)

    In the book I list several possible tools you can use to heal from chronic stress and trauma, including:

    Essential self-care steps like diet, exercise, sleep support, and stress management


    Inner child work

    Therapy work with a mental health professional

    Consider these, and other tools, to support your nervous system to regulate and heal from chronic stress and trauma.

    STEP 3: Return to your Postpartum Self-Care Plan and answer the remaining questions.

  • Know your protein goal:

    80-90 grams/day may be the sweet spot, or 1 g/kg in your second and third trimester, and up to 1.2 g/kg while breastfeeding.

    TIP: Calculating Your Protein Needs:

    Convert your weight in pounds to kilograms (kg) by dividing your weight in pounds by 2.205 (or just use an online calculator).

    Multiply that number by your recommended protein intake; for example a 165 pound lactating woman requires 165/2.205 = 74.8 kg x 1.2 g/kg/day = 90 grams of protein daily.

    TIP: “Meeting” Your Protein Goal:

    Get plenty of protein to speed postpartum healing, but DON’T let this drive you crazy! The worst thing you can do is stress yourself out by trying to hit a protein goal. Just make sure you’re getting protein with each meal from food, and consider a clean, high-quality food-based protein powder if you’re struggling.

    And get enough protein in pregnancy; your body will quickly get used to how good it feels.


    TIP: Calculating Your Water Needs in Pregnancy + Postpartum:

    1/2 your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water, is your baseline.

    Then drink more to satisfy your thirst.

    TIP: Calculating Your Water Needs for Lactating Parents:

    1/2 your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water, is your baseline.

    Drink 1 additional glass of water for every breast-/chestfeeding or pumping session.

    Then drink more to satisfy your thirst.

    TIP: Meeting Your Water Goal:

    If you don’t already have a water filter, consider putting one on your registry.

    Stock up on bottled mineral water to replenish the minerals that you’ll run through due to stress, lack of sleep, and post-childbirth recovery.

    Invest in a glass or stainless steel water bottle and wash it regularly to avoid bacteria buildup. Drinking from a water bottle helps you keep track of how much water you’ve already had in a day.





  • TIPS: Sleep in Pregnancy:

    Set your sleep schedule

    Sleep hygiene measures

    Pain Management


    Test your vitamin D level, and supplement if necessary

    Nighttime ritual: see the “Nighttime Rituals to Decompress” Checklist below

  • Set a regular sleep schedule

    Sleep in a cool, dark, clean space:

    Temperature is between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit

    Clean your bedroom often, wash sheets weekly, and change out your pillows regularly.

    Consider getting an air filter for your bedroom

    Avoid light sources at night. If you need a light at night (to use the restroom, for example) consider buying a pink Himalayan salt lamp which emits soothing, sleep-supporting orange light.

    Avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed:

    If you must use a screen, download the app f.lux which blocks the stimulating blue light that emanates from screens and keeps you awake. You can find it at

    Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime.

    Avoid stressful or upsetting events in your bedroom—your bed should be for sleep and sex only. No work, arguing, or unpleasant activities.

    Take a warm shower 1-2 hours before bed. This cools your inner body temperature, which is a signal that it’s time to sleep (you should avoid hot baths and showers in pregnancy, but you can resume them postpartum to help you sleep).

  • To-do list: keep a pad of paper by your bedside table and write down the things you need or want to do the next day. Get your to-do’s out of your head and onto paper!

    Journaling: journaling is a powerful way to release anxiety, tension, and stress, and get clarity on what’s keeping you up. Take 5 minutes at night to free-write, meaning that you write without thinking: just let your body and mind go, and the words will come.

    Talking with your partner or loved one

    Warm shower (avoid hot showers in pregnancy!)

    Skincare as self-care: a soothing nighttime skincare ritual can prepare you for healthy sleep.


    Gratitude practice

    Soothing nighttime drink (a cup of tea or magnesium powder in water, no more than 300 mg)

  • Know that this time is temporary, and that many babies sleep through the night at 3-4 months.

    In the meantime, try to get at least 4-5 hours of sleep at a time, or a bare minimum of 3 hours.

    Stick with the sleep support that worked in pregnancy, lean on your support team, and try the other research-backed postpartum support listed below.

    Stress relief is even more important now! Journaling may not be a reality, but talk with your partner and your Support Team about how you are doing.

    You may have to adjust how nighttime duties are split. Make sure it feels okay for everyone, and make sure you are getting your rest.

    Many resources are available to help your baby sleep without letting them “cry it out.” Continue to prioritize your sleep, even though you may be getting it only a few hours at a time.


    A soothing nighttime tea (a lactation support blend, and/or chamomile, lavender, or magnolia tea) can calm your nervous system.

    At bedtime, climb into bed with your baby nearby (often in a “sidecar” or bedside bassinet). Keep the lights dimmed and avoid getting out of bed if necessary; even if you are awake, it may help preserve your circadian rhythm.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): even virtual sessions have been shown to help.

    Light-Dark Therapy: using a 10,000 lux lamp for 30 minutes per day first thing in the morning, ideally within the first hour of waking, is optimal.

    Have the light approximately 16 to 24 inches away from your face, your eyes should be open but not looking directly at the light.

    Typically benefit can be seen within 1 to 3 weeks.

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): there are links to specific PMR tools in the “Resources” section.

    Rely on your Support Team: you already built your Support Team. Now is the time to call on them.

  • Sometimes you’ll have to play detective to figure this out. First, make sure there’s no immediate danger or red flags (see list below, “Red flags that your baby should go see a doctor right away”). Then, check the “Other Common Reasons a Baby Cries” list.

    (click the link below to grab your list)

    Sometimes babies just cry; this is normal. If your baby comfortable, fed, and not ill, go through the list of ways to soothe your baby (below) and see if you can help him or her (and you!) find peace.

    Normal crying: It’s normal for babies to cry on and off for up to 2 hours a day, and this crying behavior peaks between 4-8 weeks of age, and typically resolves by month 3 or 4 of life. If your baby seems to be having a lot of difficulty sleeping and/or is up at night crying, resources are available to help you understand why, and what to do.

    Click here to access your copy of “Common Reasons Babies Cry and What to Do”

  • Read through the following information, then click the link below to access the fillable PDF. Take a few minutes to fill it out, then transfer the essential info to your Postpartum Self-Care Plan.

    Create a list of activities that bring you joy. Make them something you look forward to committing to, even if for only an hour a week.

    Especially postpartum, when your time becomes extremely valuable, combining socializing with an activity can be totally rejuvenating. A group exercise or cooking class, or a healthy meal out with a loved one, may be a great way to stay healthy and take a break too.

    Where can you tighten up your boundaries? What can you say NO to now?

    What can you offload when the baby comes: cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc.?

    What feelings, emotions, and old patterns and beliefs come up that challenge your belief that you are WORTHY of self-care? Journal those out in pregnancy, and consider working with a mental health professional if you find any barriers in the way of your own capacity for self-care. Remember, you’ll be modeling self-care to the next generation, so practicing this now is critical.

    You can use the journal prompts listed in the Stress Reduction section of POST, or just free-journal.

    You may also find affirmations you resonate with: write them on Post-it’s and place them around your home and office for frequent reminders.

    Will you try body work like acupuncture, massage, or craniosacral therapy to reduce stress and physical pain? If so, include those in your Self-Care Plan.

    Toxins are stressful! Do a toxin assessment as discussed in the “Avoiding Toxins in Pregnancy and Postpartum” Section and clean out all potentially dangerous products for you and baby.

    Laugh! Find comedies you love and watch them. Laughter is medicine.


    Do any threads of codependence arise? Consider exploring CODA’s resources, and reread the beginning of this book, when I talk about where many of our codependent patterns come from. Awareness is the first step to massive change.

    Are you safe? If the answer is no, please seek safety immediately. That is the very first thing to do. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is an essential resource (see Resources section below).

    Click here to access the fillable PDF that accompanies this section. After filling it out, transfer the essential information to your Postpartum Self-Care Plan.

  • Below is a list of resources to help with pelvic floor healing and recovery.

    Pelvic floor physiotherapy:

    Pregnancy is the time to get started on preparing your pelvic floor for birth. It’s also the optimal time to begin working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist who can guide your recovery postpartum.

    Start to research pelvic floor physiotherapists to find someone who can help you. Here is a resource to locate physical therapists (mostly in the US):

    Click here to visit the Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Locator

    Establish care with one now, so you have this relationship when you’ll need it, postpartum. Write this person’s name and contact information in the “My Medical Team” section.


    If you’re planning on a vaginal birth, consider prepping for it by making your own padsicles, and keep a cooling, soothing liquid in the fridge to refill your peri-bottle throughout the day (I used an herbal tea with witch hazel). For more information on what I used, see the chapter on Pelvic Floor Health in POST.

    Example recipe:

    Witch Hazel (ideally alcohol-free; like this one)

    A postpartum sitz bath herbal blend (I used this one)

    Organic cotton pads (I used these)

    Buff Muff App:

    You may want to use the Buff Muff app to support your pelvic floor postpartum. Click here to learn more.

  • Set aside 1-2 hours of time to do a purity assessment of all of your home and personal care products.

    For each housecleaning or personal care product (including shampoo and conditioner, soaps, skincare, deodorant, makeup, sunscreen, moisturizers, house cleaners, candles, etc.), scan it into one of these two apps for a purity rating.

    Cleaner Living:

    EWG (Environmental Working Group) Healthy Living App

    Yuka App


    EWG Dirty Dozen (list of top foods to prioritize organic; updated annually)

    EWG Tap Water Safety Database

    Water Filters:

    Zero Water Filters

    Clearly Filtered Water Filtration Systems

  • Begin with the essentials:

    Anti-inflammatory lifestyle:




    Sleep support


    Massage, Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Chiropractic

    Find your preferred practitioner/s, and establish care with them to create a pain management plan. Add their names to the “My Medical Team” section of your Postpartum Self-Care Plan.

    If you are still living with pain, talk with your doctor about appropriate treatments for pain management before using over-the-counter products.

  • Additional Followup for Gestational Hypertension:

    Additional medical visits:

    In-office blood pressure check in (within 3-7 days of birth)


    Monitor blood pressure at home daily and keep a log of your numbers. Share these with your doctor.

    When to call your doctor:

    NOTE: discuss this with your healthcare provider, and agree to a clear followup plan together. She or he may have a different recommendation for your specific treatment followup, as there are different guidelines on hypertensive treatment. New research shows that treating blood pressure to below 140/90 mmHg improves outcomes for maternal and infant health.

    Click here to access the new guidelines on hypertension management in pregnant people from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (you can also share this with your doctor).

    If your blood pressure is greater than 140/90 mmHg, or if any of the following red flag symptoms occur:



    Decreased urination

    Rapid swelling or weight gain

    Upper abdominal pain near your ribs

    Eye problems or vision changes

    Nausea and/or vomiting

  • Additional Followup for Gestational Diabetes:

    Your blood sugar should be screened with an oral glucose tolerance test or fasting blood glucose 6-12 weeks postpartum, followed by annual bloodwork: HbA1c and fasting blood glucose.

    Continue to engage in regular exercise and follow a healthy diet.

  • Additional Followup for Anemia:

    Hemoglobin levels should be checked within 48 hours of delivery after:

    Blood loss > 500 mL

    Uncorrected anemia in pregnancy

    Or if you have symptoms of postpartum anemia: tachycardia or rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased urination, and dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.

    After six weeks, a ferritin and % transferrin saturation may also be run.

    If at any point you are struggling with postpartum depression, you should be screened for postpartum anemia.

  • Support for BIPOC birthing parents

    Black Mamas Matter Alliance

    Irth App

    Love Delivered

    Moms Rising

    National Association to Advance Black Birth

    Reproductive Health Impact

    Shades of Blue Project (a resource for Black maternal mental health)

    Sisters in Loss

    Body Image Issues in Pregnancy

    NIH Office of Women’s Health (Division of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services) Resource + Help Line: 1-800-994-9662

    Breastfeeding, Lactation and Feeding Resources

    La Leche League International

    Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex, (for more information on “milk rage” or dysphoric milk ejection reflex, see the FEEDING YOUR BABY Guide)

    Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding and Lactation Education

    LactApp App for Android and iOS (provides breastfeeding insight and support from pregnancy through weaning)

    Childbirth Classes and Information

    Evidence Based Birth

    Book, A Parent’s Guide to A Safer Childbirth: Expecting the Best: Using the Power of Knowledge to Help You Deliver a Healthy Baby by Gina Mundy, J.D.

    Cleaner Living

    EWG (Environmental Working Group) Healthy Living App

    Yuka App

    Codependents Anonymous


    Mediterranean and Other Traditional Diets

    Environmental Working Group Dirty Dozen

    Environmental Working Group Tap Water Safety Database

    Domestic Violence

    National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233

    Text “START” to 88788

    Or chat live on the


    Dr Stacy Sims

    Amanda Jenny : I took her classes throughout my pregnancy and postpartum — she offers prenatal adjustments and works closely with her participants for a safe and effective exercise class!

    Hyperemesis Gravidarum

    Hyperemesis Education and Research Foundation


    Hypertension Guidelines from ACOG 2022


    Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Expectful Guided Meditations for everything from preconception to postpartum

    Insight Timer Meditation app

    Pelvic Floor Support

    Buff Muff app

    Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Locator

    Previous Pregnancy Loss

    Center for Reproductive Psychology

    Shopping and Food Delivery Resources

    Shopping apps: Instacart, Thrive Market

    Meal Delivery apps: Postmates, Uber Eats, Door Dash

    Sleep Support for You

    F.lux app

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

    Short exercise

    Long exercise

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation Sequences (and many other excellent resources!)

    Sleep Support for your Baby

    Little Winks Sleep


    Laundry apps: Poplin, Hamperapp

    Tasks around the house or yard: Taskrabbit,

    Trauma and Chronic Stress Books

    Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker

    Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism by Stanley Rosenberg

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van der Kolk