The Best Ted Talks on Health and Self Worth

Looking for more support and inspiration in your healing journey? Check out these amazing Ted Talks:

  1. Cultivating Unconditional Self Worth by Adia Gooden. Dr. Gooden discusses her healing journey and self worth, the difference between self worth and self esteem, and how to support your sense of self worth.

  2. Dare to Find Your Self Worth by Talitha Cummins. Talitha Cummins reveals her struggle with alcoholism and how she shed alcohol abuse and began to value her self worth.

  3. A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit by Judson Brewer. Dr. Brewer discusses the effect of mindfulness on breaking bad habits including stress and emotional eating and smoking.

  4. Removing Negative Self Talk by Abria Joseph. Abria Joseph discusses the origin of negative self talk in the subconscious mind and how to rewire your mind for healing and reconnect with your true self.

  5. The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown. Brene Brown shares the messages of her life’s work in this Ted Talk and discusses her understanding that our real worthiness arises when we open ourselves up to the power of our vulnerability with ourselves and in our relationships.

  6. How I Lost My Identity But Found My Worth by Jeannie Woller. Jeanie Woller discusses her loss of identity as a student athlete and how she found her sense of self worth.

  7. The Secret to Changing Negative Self Talk By Renewing Your Mindset by Bruce Pulver. Bruce Pulver shares his experience with language and the power it has to shape our daily experience, the quality of our lives, and our ability to reach our goals.




Why Self Worth Is the Missing Piece in Women’s Health