Can Acupuncture Help with Anxiety?
Acupuncture is an ancient remedy that has been used for thousands of years to calm and soothe an anxious person. Discover how Dr. Emilie Wilson uses acupuncture to reset and heal the nervous system in her patients living with anxiety, by using acupuncture in her Prescott AZ office.

Can Acupuncture Really Get Rid Of My Pain?
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as an effective tool for pain management. I’ve seen hundreds of patients reduce or stop pain medication with regular acupuncture care. To experience it yourself, schedule a visit with Dr. Emilie Wilson for acupuncture in Prescott AZ today.

“My Acupuncturist Says I Have Yin Deficiency! What’s That?”
Yin deficiency is a common Chinese medical diagnosis. To learn if you are living with yin deficiency and to access a highly individualized treatment of acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and diet and lifestyle support, visit Dr. Emilie Wilson at Sanos Wellness in Prescott AZ.