Does the word “detox” usher in memories or fears of constant hangriness, relentless cravings, and being tired and irritable all day long?  If so, you’re not alone.  Many of my patients have real challenges when going through a detox.  A detox done wrong can be really, really uncomfortable (and may in some cases may actually cause harm).  However, a detox done right can jumpstart weight loss, promote clear, glowing, youthful skin, reset bad habits and addictions (alcohol, sugar, dairy, carbs to name a few), boost your energy and mood, and even balance hormones.  

Hormones are chemical messengers that our bodies make to direct cell function throughout our bodies.  When our hormones are in balance we feel energized, we sleep well, digest our food optimally, have clear skin and a balanced mood.  When our hormones get out of balance, the opposite happens.  Women I work with often complain of 

  • depressed and anxious mood, and a tendency toward irritability

  • persistent weight gain

  • worsening skin texture, including breakouts and rapid aging

  • gas, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea along with increased cravings

  • increases in body pains

  • daytime fatigue, sometimes accompanied by trouble sleeping

  • dependence on morning coffee to get through the day, and evening alcohol to wind down and get to bed

  • changes in menstrual cycles, including worsening PMS symptoms that can be incapacitating

  • changes in fertility or having trouble getting or staying pregnant

  • low libido

There are other signs that can be found on labs, including elevated inflammation markers like CRP, insulin resistance, and an imbalance of thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormone levels (sex hormones are the estrogen family of hormones, progesterone, and androgens like testosterone). Estrogen dominance in particular drives silent inflammation which can have serious long-term health consequences.  

A detox program helps rebalance hormones by getting rid of the toxins that get in the way of what our body naturally does: produce and process hormones according to our body’s natural rhythms.  When we reduce the toxic burden on our body, our body can then focus its vital energy on naturally rebalancing hormones.  

Our liver is a major player in natural hormone regulation.  Our liver processes hormones so that they do not build up in our bodies and cause hormone imbalance and inflammation.  A happy, healthy liver will break down hormones appropriately, which resets our body’s natural hormone signals.  An overburdened liver cannot break down hormones optimally, which results in a buildup of inflammatory hormones like estrogen.  This causes more inflammation to build up over time, which further burdens the liver and the cells that respond to estrogen, and the cycle continues.  

A detox is a great way to press the reset button.  I generally recommend that women suffering from hormone imbalance do a detox for at least 28 days (one full menstrual cycle), and I encourage them to adopt some of the habits they develop in their detox as part of a new lifestyle routine.  

A good detox will focus on minimizing offending substances, and will maximize intake of fruits, vegetables, and water.  Also important is taking lifestyle into account: restful sleep and reducing stress are two other must-haves in a good detox program.  


  • Diet

    • Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and grains are all must-avoids.  For some people, going cold turkey on caffeine is really difficult.  For those folks a cup or two of green tea in the morning is a great alternative.  But nixing the coffee is really important during a hormone-balancing detox.  

    • Processed foods are also important to avoid.  A good rule of thumb during a hormone-balancing detox is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store: the produce section, meat and seafood.  Avoid products that have wrappers, a long shelf life, or words  you can’t pronounce in the ingredient list.

    • For some people, avoiding food allergens is also really important.  To maximize a detox program I recommend that my patients also avoid the major food allergens: wheat/gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy in addition to the foods listed above.  There are functional medicine tests available to look more deeply into food allergens.  However, starting with a basic elimination plan like a hormone-balancing detox is a great place to start.  

  • Home and Body Care:


  • Eat a Superfood-based, Nutrient Dense Diet full of:

    • Veggies and Fruits

      • Organic as much as possible.  Veggies and fruits are nutrient-dense superfoods that provide the bulk of our vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and lots of fiber too.  They give our bodies the nutrients it needs to do its job of getting back into balance.  As a bonus, they naturally provide the vitamins, minerals and fiber that our livers need to cleanse and detox.  

    • Protein

      • Our bodies need protein for optimal liver function, energy, and healthy brain function.  I’ve seen time and time again how low-protein diets can contribute to mood dysfunction.  Protein can also be a good form of energy, which is really important (especially when detoxing off of sugar and caffeine).

    • Fats

      • Fats are the building blocks of cells and hormones.  Healthy fats from avocado, coconut, olive oil and other plant and seed oils, nuts and nut butters, seeds, fish, healthy grass-fed meats will all give our bodies the building blocks it needs to repair cell damage, decrease inflammation, feed our brains and make optimal amounts of hormones.  Avoid fried foods, trans fats, peanut, soy or canola oils, or non-organic factory-farmed meat.  

    • Water

      • A good rule of thumb is to consume half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water daily.  People who are drinking a lot less than this should work up to it over the course of a few days.  Herbal and green teas are good during a cleanse but don’t count towards your daily water intake (teas are often dehydrating because they promote urination).  

  • Sweat more

    • Sweating is a great form of detox and supports optimal liver function.  I recommend exercise for this, although people who have access to a sauna and medical clearance from a doc to use it can also sauna to promote detox.  Consider exercise like cardio or HIIT, vinyasa yoga, strenuous hiking, and/or weight training to get sweating.  I always recommend that patients who are not currently exercising work with a personal trainer to determine the best form of exercise for them.  

  • Sleep well

    • Prioritize rest and get at least 8 hours a night.  Bodies often want a little more rest during a hormone-balancing detox so I encourage patients to find an extra hour or two a night of sleep, at least during the weekends.  

  • Stress Less

    • Easier said than done, I know!  But hormones are so intimately tied to stress levels that people never find lasting peace and health until they address their stress levels.  It often helps to find a time to take a little break from daily life, because we become so enmeshed in our daily routine that we stop registering stress as stress, and just start calling it life.  I encourage people to try to find time to get a way for a break, even overnight or for a weekend.  If that’s not possible, then scheduling some you time a few times a week can add up to big realizations, and help break the stress cycle.

    • Journal

      • Journalling helps make conscious thoughts, feelings and habits that may not serve our health or get us the life we want.  Cleansing our body is a great opportunity to also cleanse the unconscious parts of our mind and nervous system.  

A hormone-balancing detox is a great way to get things back on track fast.  However, addressing hormones long-term requires a long-term plan.  I recommend that people with questions or concerns about their hormone health work with a functional medicine provider to help optimize their health and wellness now, and long-term.  


