Acupuncture for Digestive Health
Sugar cravings are a major hint in spleen qi deficiency!
Ever heard of spleen qi deficiency?
A woman with spleen qi deficiency often:
Has little or no appetite with a craving for carbs and sweets
Gains belly fat easily and can’t lose it
Is bloated, especially after eating
Gets full quickly
Has constipation and/or diarrhea
Gets headaches, dizziness, or a fuzzy-headed feeling
Loses steam quickly
Tired all day
Retains water way too easily
Does this sound familiar?
In Chinese medicine, spleen qi is our digestive fire; when we eat, our digestive fire transforms our food into qi and other materials that our bodies then use for nourishment. It also sends out the unusable waste through stool.
Worry, stress, lack of proper nourishment, overwork or overexertion can all drain our digestive fire.
I use acupuncture and Chinese herbs, along with diet and lifestyle therapies, at Sanos Wellness in downtown Prescott to help restore the digestive fire and build up spleen qi. This means:
Better digestion
All day energy
No more food-fueled headaches
No more gassiness or bloat
Healthy appetite with no cravings
A naturally slim body free of water retention
Restoring your spleen qi ultimately means that you feel like YOU again. Sound good? Schedule an acupuncture session with me in Prescott to see how acupuncture can benefit your whole body.